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god now I need it to continue I want to know what happensssss gah. Also Adam my beloved.....>-<


What a wonderful ride.


i love this so much

(2 edits) (+4)

omg i played it in one sitting, I haven't loved a game as much as this one in so long !! questionnn will there be customization/more choices in the future? so far it feels less like a game and more like a story, considering we don't have any influence on the plot, with the exception of getting bad ends (which isn't a problem at all, I was just curious <3)


I love this game so much, I cannot wait for the next chapter. There's a few spelling mistakes and near the end when the Aunt is talking it doesn't say her name at the top but other than that this is amazing. In love with this game and the characters. <3


could u make it for android 👉👈

I love the game

I love this game so much! I can't wait for more.

This is a complete shot in the dark but I'm desperate so...

On the tumblr, and I believe the archived version as well, there was this amazing oneshot someone wrote about Adam where he discovers MC is having an affair, has a breakdown, and kills the affair partner. I've tried everything I can think of, wayback machine and all, and I can't find it. 

Does anyone happen to have access to it? I'd be much obliged.

Are you asking for access to the tumblr itself or asking for the specific post because I found both.

The specific post pls!!


right here


Will we ever find out what [MC] did to make them be considered 'A stain on this world'? or is that just due to  how they're presented as a character?


Yes! I plan on addressing it within the vn as to why Adam is hunting you as well as why mc is considered a "stain on this world."


Sick, I am actually so excited, this VN is one of my favorites and I've been obsessing over it, can't wait to see more of CAKE, Saffron and maybe find out more about what Ruth did to Adam and stuff, I honestly made so many theories...


Would it be too bad if I wanted them (Mc and Adam) to be together? I feel so sorry for his past that I wish he was loved at least once


The author(Hermit) has mentioned before that Adam is a slow burn character, it'll happen eventually.




great game so far


I just replayed it along with chapter 2, mc still being a smartass even when she's being threatened never gets old (I cheered her on for every comeback she'd come up with on the fly). I found Adam annoying for how arrogant he was in chapter 1 but learning his past made me have an internal conflict between liking him and hating him. The storyline's awesome. Keep up the good work!


finally got to try the new updates!

so like-- how the heck am I gonna fall in love with a (submissive and br-- ahem) a fucked up killer?? 


jokes aside, love that the mc is still girlbossing their way to victory.

aunt also crushing on the mom oof--- awww noo T-T
also also, does being insane run in the family? or maybe mc just has bad luck in encountering most of them (except for their mom and the bartender maybe...)

Looking forward to the updates!! (also, the dream?? bruhh he fantasizes mc being so-- HAHAHAHSBHDHBIDHBD HES SO CUTE BUT GODDAMN IT HES CRAZY) 

(at this point I'm still gonna go for him)

(I swear I'm not stupid, I have standards but goddamn this repressed religious man... I just wanna break him)


Honestly, for the first few choices i hated Adam he was narcissistic, arrogant, and overall an awful person... but lowkey after learning abt his little backstory I feel kinda bad now... and not to downplay his insanity but I would like to he's just a silly little guy with mental issues and a little bit mommy AND daddy issues... im joking ofc 


I have a question! (Because I am genuinely curious) Will we ever know who tells Adam who to kill, and all of that information? Or are they gonna remain unknown? (I ask as I replay the game for the millionth time...)


You actually will find out and the reasoning behind it for what I've got planned!




*stands up slowly...slow claps*

I did not know horror-comedy was a thing, and I'm now completly sold. New favorite genre???? GOD THIS WAS SOOO FUNNY LMAOOOOOOO.

1000/10, a total banger-- haha, because, yknow-- 

(2 edits) (+10)(-3)


I don't even care if it's a bad ending, I'll kill Adam again. 



(1 edit) (+3)

Chapter 2 OMG... !
I found my favorite yandere game, thank you for sharing this with us !! I'm really excited to see what comes next ! :3

Also the new art is  <3 <3 <3 !!


We need more! This is so f*cking good!


FiRST GAME REALESE??? This was so cool loved the storyline the charachters were down to the CORE!! and in the last scene my heart started breting so fast the game was so good i finished it in one sitting cant wait for the next part and such a nice cliff hanger


Adam is fuckin insane but he has his charm??? honestly, I am excited to see how this plays out and if he and MC are going to get together despite all that is happening. He such a psychotic simp but MAN do i love him


oh my GOD im going to go insane waiting on an update this is so fucking good…

(if i cant get with adam by the time the game is finished im getting lobotomized)


AHHHH I love this game so much I can't wait for the release of chapter 3. I hope the Mc and Adam will get together :3


10/10. OMFG literally everything about this game had me biting my nails in anxiety LMAO. i am IN LOVE with this game, definitely going to linger in my mind for the next few months... 😓

i love the MC's overall personality (had me laugh at a few parts, so refreshing to see a MC with a strong personality) and how well written adam's inner emotional conflict and trauma was. plus i'm SO weak for the dual dynamic adam has going on as an idol/killer. the contrast is just 🤭

& my love for mentally ill psychotic serial killers doesn't help, and i got way too immersed. i was so sad when the credits rolled haha! i loved everything from the story, writing and down to the artstyle!!!! SUPER excited for chapter 3 and to watch the game develop 💕💕💕


Honestly im loving it <3 adam sure has a few screw lose though..i wonder if there will be multiple love interests..

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey, I need help because I launched the game but it said quit unexpectedly, is there a way i can fix this?Before this the game was easier to launch,

(I’m on a Mac btw)


holy shit that was fucking intense i was literaly on the edge of my seat totally recomend!


the game was so good and amazing LIKE WHAT THE HELL UNKNOWN HERMIT GOOD job 'clap clap clap' will until then my friends, heart, heart, kiss, kiss, love, love, can't wait to see my baby Adam.


I want more dialogue choices and I WANT TO CHANGE MY NAME and I what to help Adam like it is my aunt's fault. he is in love with the MC so maybe just maybe he will listen to me



(1 edit) (+6)

Wow! This IS definitely one of the better yandere-esque horror VN's I've read in a while. I love how this story is executed and can't wait to play the full game! Well done! 


This is by far, HANDS DOWN, one of the best VNs I've ever played so far. The dialogue was so good, the writing fr made me feel like I was watching a show  cuz  I was so immersed in it. The storyline and lore had me on the edge of my seat and I couldn't wait to figure out what happened next. I really like Adam as a character so far and I can't wait to see how him and the MC's relationship evolves in the next chapter. (The MC was funny af too xD)

Needless to say, I'll def be gushing about this for a bit and I will most DEFINITELY be around for chapter 3. Keep up the good work!! :3


i love this game thanks for making it pookie


its amazing how you made me love him but also totally want the MC to maybe kill him. Its very horror but I still totally ship them.


I had so much fun with this one!! it was thrilling to play the whole thing and i just kept pressing the space bar to see what would happen next. also, fuck, adam !! (lmao.) i just really like how much of a jerk he is, how infuriating and despicable he can be. his background is also really intriguing and i already have some idea of what it could be, but really, whatever his background may be, he is the worst <3. angry, violent, sexually repressed man with lots of religious trauma loaded on his back, i hope to see your demise one day <3 you ain't unique. i have my religious trauma too <3
i'm also curious to see how saffron and adam's relationship will developing following the events of chapter 2.  likewise, i'm curious to see what saffron will think of us as the story progresses.
also, slay mc. you probably should learn to shut up sometimes for your own good but honestly, i can't blame you. someone needs to bring adam down a peg.
anyway, yeah i had fun!! great game!! love the characters!! can't wait to see what you have planned for it <3


Just Finished all of chapter 2 and I can't wait until chapter 3!!!!

I honestly love how this ended out to be; I was originally here in chapter 1, A little confused on what Adam's intentions were in the beginning; but it also added so much suspense and I enjoy that a lot!

I enjoy the fact it switched between POVS. I feel like that is underrated in VNs. Of course, it isn't everyone's thing, but I always happen to overthink and wonder: "Damn... what are they thinking right now? what is happening with them right now?!" so that was really enjoyable. (coughs, I love Adam's character so much, and Saffrons too, I hope we see more of CAKE!)

I love the new sprites!!! I feel like it is a huge improvement in the art!

I love the Idea of Saffron being a cannibal---It is a nice little add on... I almost wonder what Saffron's opinion on MC is, it almost seems like he also has attraction towards him(I say this because of art I saw on YOU and HIM official twitter.)

This game became a HUGE interest of mine, I know some cliché's are used, but most aren't used often and that's something I love. Usually, MC already has a relationship the person beforehand; but we get to see how they met and everything, basically the entire story and that makes me so happy! I like how if you choose to help him yourself its like... paint there, and if you don't---My mind goes "oh yeah? no real injury huh? *STAB* THERE YA GO!" just for a little comedy mentioning. 

While sometimes I didn't really realize what happen, in the end I understood the story completely. 

I wonder though... What is it Ruth was so afraid of? is it Adam's father? is it another killer? That is a question I hope gets answered!! I hope we get to find out more for Adam's past, and the same for Saffron's... I want to know ALL the lore!! It makes the game more interesting!!! 

I like the new pictures! That weren't in the chapter 1, like Adam holding the photo! That's cool!!! 

I wonder what will happen in the future... God... maybe that is a nickname??? Or maybe... SAFFRON IS SATAN!!! so much suspense!!

I love watching the improvement, keep up the fantastic work!



(Saffron: This is Adam going for another murder, be careful Ada-!)

(Adam: *Gets stabbed and falls in love, developing a slight obsession...*)

(Saffron: A-Adam?)

(Adam: *ignores the agreement...*)

(Saffron: ADAM!!!)


Okay,  not many visual novels have pulled me in like this.
Not ones where the chase feels unrelenting, nonstoping and I wonder about what "I" can do. 

I'll be keeping an eye out for this project.

Each charicter feels...  Just FEELS.

It's a great game, I look forward to it's future.


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